Monday, March 5, 2012

Preposition -for advanced-

 At last lesson I said "next lesson is verb3". But I changed my mindXD I thought that's enough now.. I'll teach extra verbs on many examples, probleeeeeem!!!(←may be)

So today's lesson is about Preposition! ! If u can get it ur Japanese skill will definitely improve so much! And today I use a lots new vocabulary. Try to learn by heart! Then let's goooooo~

to {~に、~へ}
I'll go to N.Y. =私はニューヨークに行きます。
To someone(beginning of letters)= ~へ
I said that to my mom before.=それ前お母さんにいったよ~

 at {~で、~に}
     *~でis with somewhere, ~に is with time-words
I met my friends at the station.= 私は駅で友達に会いました。
I had lunch at the room. =私は教室で昼ごはんを食べました。
She ate some cakes at night.=彼女は夜にケーキを食べました。

of {~の}
I'm member of Japan club. =私はジャパンクラブのメンバーです。
Tokyo is capital city of Japan. =東京は日本の首都です。

 in  {~で、~に}
     *~でis with somewhere, ~に is with time-words(same as "at")
We'll meet in the new cafe.=私達は新しいカフェで会います。
I read the book in the evening.=私は夜に本を読みました。

 from {~から}
I'm from Japan.=私は日本出身です。
We came from Brazil.=私達はブラジルから来ました。
It's near from my home!=私の家から近い!

 by {~より、~で、~まで}
    *~より is with someone and something, ~で is with some way, ~まで is with time-words
This novel is written by ~=この小説(本)は~によって書かれました。
I go to school by bus.=私は学校にバスで行っています。
I'll finish this H.W by this night.=この宿題は今晩までには終わるだろう。

 till {~まで}
The shop's open till evening.=その店は夜まで開いている。

 behind {~のうしろに、~のうらに}
The boy hid behind the tree.=その男の子は木の後ろにかくれた。
My school is behind the building.=私の学校はビルの裏にあります。

 on {~に}
I put plaster on my leg.=私はばんそうこうを足にはりました。
I sit on the bench.=私はベンチに座りました。
The teacher put document on the desk.=先生は書類を机の上に置いています。

 under {~のしたに}
She wear sweater under a coat.=彼女はコートの下にセーターを着ている。

 for {~のために}
I study Japanese for my dream.=私は夢のために日本語を勉強しています。
Pray for Japan日本のために祈りましょう。

 with {~と}
I got together with my friends. =私は友達と出かけました。
The girl plays with a dog.=女の子は犬と遊んでいます。

1. I put pics on the wall. (pic=絵)

2. He came from Italy.

3. I go to university by car. (university=大学)

4. I go to Tokyo on this summer.

U can answer by comment on this blog. see u next lesson^^

[next lesson is about Time-words]

Preposition -for intermidiate-

 At last lesson I said "next lesson is verb3". But I changed my mindXD I thought that's enough now.. I'll teach extra verbs on many examples, probleeeeeem!!!(←may be)

So today's lesson is about Preposition! ! If u can get it ur Japanese skill will definitely improve so much! And today I use a lots new vocabulary. Try to learn by heart! Then let's goooooo~

 to {~に、~へ}
I'll go to N.Y. =私はニューヨークにいきます。
To someone(beginning of letters)= ~へ
I said that to my mom before.=それまえお母さんにいったよ~

  at {~で、~に}
     *~でis with somewhere, ~に is with time-words
I met my friends at the station.= 私はえきでともだちにあいました。
I had lunch at the room. =私はきょうしつでひるごはんをたべました。
She ate some cakes at night.=かのじょはよるにケーキをたべました。

 of {~の}
I'm member of Japan club. =私はジャパンクラブのメンバーです。
Tokyo is capital city of Japan. =とうきょうは日本のしゅとです。

  in  {~で、~に}
    *~でis with somewhere, ~に is with time-words(same as "at")
We'll meet in the new cafe.=私たちはあたしいカフェであいます。
I read the book in the evening.=私はよるに本をよみました。

  from {~から}
I'm from Japan.=私は日本しゅっしんです。
We came from Brazil.=私たちはブラジルからきました。
It's near from my home!=私のいえからちかい!

  by {~より、~で、~まで}
    *~より is with someone and something, ~で is with some way, ~まで is with time-words
This novel is written by ~=このしょうせつ(本)は~によってかかれました。
I go to school by bus.=私はがっこうにバスでいっています。
I'll finish this H.W by this night.=このしゅくだいはこんばんまでにはおわるだろう。

  till {~まで}
The shop's open till evening.=そのみせはよるまでひらいている。

  behind {~のうしろに、~のうらに}
The boy hid behind the tree.=そのおとこの子は木のうしろにかくれた。
My school is behind the building.=私のがっこうはビルのうらにあります。

  on {~に}
I put plaster on my leg.=私はばんそうこうを足にはりました。
I sit on the bench.=私はベンチにすわりました。
The teacher put document on the desk.=先生はしょるいをつくえの上においています。

  under {~のしたに}
She wear sweater under a coat.=かのじょはコートの下にセーターをきている。

  for {~のために}
I study Japanese for my dream.=私はゆめのためににほんごをべんきょうしています。
Pray for Japan日本のためにいのりましょう。

  with {~と}
I got together with my friends. =私はともだちとでかけました。
The girl plays with a dog.=女の子は犬とあそんでいます。

1. I put pics on the wall. (pic=え)

2. He came from Italy.

3. I go to university by car. (university=だいがく)

4. I go to Tokyo on this summer.

U can answer by comment on this blog. see u next lesson^^

[next lesson is about Time-words]

Preposition -for beginner-

 At last lesson I said "next lesson is verb3". But I changed my mindXD I thought that's enough now.. I'll teach extra verbs on many examples, probleeeeeem!!!(←may be)

So today's lesson is about Preposition! ! If u can get it ur Japanese skill will definitely improve so much! And today I use a lots new vocabulary. Try to learn by heart! Then let's goooooo~

 to {~に、~へ}
I'll go to N.Y. =わたしはニューヨークにいきます。
To someone(beginning of letters)= ~へ
I said that to my mom before.=それまえおかあさんにいったよ~

 at {~で、~に}
  *~でis with somewhere, ~に is with time-words
I met my friends at the station.= わたしはえきでともだちにあいました。
I had lunch at the room. =わたしはきょうしつでひるごはんをたべました。
She ate some cakes at night.=かのじょはよるにケーキをたべました。

 of {~の}
I'm member of Japan club. =わたしはジャパンクラブのメンバーです。
Tokyo is capital city of Japan. =とうきょうはにほんのしゅとです。

 in  {~で、~に}
  *~でis with somewhere, ~に is with time-words(same as "at")
We'll meet in the new cafe.=わたしたちはあたしいカフェであいます。
I read the book in the evening.=わたしはよるにほんをよみました。

 from {~から}
I'm from Japan.=わたしはにほんしゅっしんです。
We came from Brazil.=わたしたちはブラジルからきました。
It's near from my home!=わたしのいえからちかい!

 by {~より、~で、~まで}
  *~より is with someone and something, ~で is with some way, ~まで is with time-words
This novel is written by ~=このしょうせつ(ほん)は~によってかかれました。
I go to school by bus.=わたしはがっこうにバスでいっています。
I'll finish this H.W by this night.=このしゅくだいはこんばんまでにはおわるだろう。

 till {~まで}
The shop's open till evening.=そのみせはよるまでひらいている。

behind {~のうしろに、~のうらに}
The boy hid behind the tree.=そのおとこのこはきのうしろにかくれた。
My school is behind the building.=わたしのがっこうはビルのうらにあります。

on {~に}
I put plaster on my leg.=わたしはばんそうこうをあしにはりました。
I sit on the bench.=わたしはベンチにすわりました。
The teacher put document on the desk.=せんせいはしょるいをつくえのうえにおいています。

under {~のしたに}
She wear sweater under a coat.=かのじょはコートのしたにセーターをきている。

for {~のために}
I study Japanese for my dream.=わたしはゆめのためににほんごをべんきょうしています。
Pray for Japanにほんのためにいのりましょう。

with {~と}
I got together with my friends. =わたしはともだちとでかけました。
The girl plays with a dog.=おんなのこはいぬとあそんでいます。

1. I put pics on the wall. (pic=え)

2. He came from Italy.

3. I go to university by car. (university=だいがく)

4. I go to Tokyo on this summer.

U can answer by comment on this blog. see u next lesson^^

[next lesson is about Time-words]

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hello everyone how have u been? I went back to Japan for 2weeks, that's why I couldn't put new post and response. ofcourse I didn't forget to take pics for uuuu! yeaaaaaaaah!!

 My hometown is Tokyo, u know Tokyo has many big city Shinjyuku, Shibuya, Harajyuku, Ikebukuro and Ginza.  When I lived in Japan I usually go to Ikebukuro. I think someone know this city cuz it became set of anime "デュラララ!! (DURARARA!!) " and Japanese drama "池袋ウエストゲートパーク(I.W.G.P)".I recommend watch this anime>< It's fun and really close with real city!→

 So on this time also I went there with my friends^^ And I found Japanese culture in there!! It's...Purikura(プリクラ)!!! This isrefers to a photo sticker booth or the product of such a photo booth. I can't explain well~then..I took pics about it

Most game center has section of Purikura, 池袋GiGO is the biggest in Ikebukuro. If u want u can rent some costume on free! I did manytimesXD Actually each machine has different effect.

This pic is in the box. All machine has so many lights and camera. First chose how take photo and flame.

After taking photos chose ur favorite pic and drawing on the pics. then finally the pics is  printed!

This is my favorite idol's purikuraXD so cuuuute<3  Prikura is sticker , so u can put on anywhere. If u have chance try to play with Purikura! It will be fun!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bean-Throwing Festival

hi! Do u know what is it today!?...yes! Febrary3rd :).......NO WAY!! What a simple answer u said!

Today is Setsubun. This is Japanese traditional event (Bean-Throwing Festival). So let's talk about it!

 Roasted soybeans (called 福豆fuku mame) are thrown either out the door or at a member of the family wearing an demon(鬼oni) mask, while the people say "Demons out! Luck in!" "鬼は~外っ! 福は~~内っっ!! Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" and slam the door. I tryed to find pics, but I can find only this !looool  May be it's in a kindegarten and some teachers immitate for demonXP

And a lots people will attend a shrine or temple's spring festival where this is done. Actually I heve never tryed to go shirines or temples on this festivalXD

 Then, as part of bringing luck in, it is customary to eat roasted soybeans, one for each year of one's life, and in some areas, one for each year of one's life plus one more for bringing good luck for the year to come...Wikipedia said←um?  Every year my father tried to eat soybeans same as his age, he couldn't every year!!!

 In Setsubun we have other custom! It is customary now to eat uncut makizushi called Eho-Maki (恵方巻)  in silence on Setsubun while facing the yearly lucky compass direction, determined by the zodiac symbol of that year...This also Wikipedia said←um!?  By the way..who is this boyXD I can't find but this pic!

hi, boy!! How is it taste! good!??..oh~~that's good! enjoy ur meal on my blog!

So that's all about Setsubun, how is it? It sounds like fun and interesting isn't it??lol
If u wanna know more, look here→

--after u saw this one ,plz push reaction button or writing comment! It's good for my motivationXD--

Monday, January 30, 2012

Question section

I got a few question from my student!
Teacherrrr help meeee(´;ω;`)
For adjectives like "すき" or "きらい"; they are sometimes used to say "I like/dislike *something/someone*", right??

Any way, I have a question about which should I use  in this case がor は…for exampleIf I wanna say 「I like Utada Hikaru」 which is natural 宇多田ヒカルがすき or 宇多田ヒカルはすき?(´・ω・`)
Also, if I want to include a pronoun I must say わたしは宇多田ヒカルがすき but not わたしが宇多田ヒカルが好き, right?? But I don't know why is that and it's confusing me a bit…(ㆀ˘・з・˘)------

(*宇多田ヒカル is a popular singer in Japan.)

Ok..let me the way..What a cute emotions u useeeeeeeed!!!!
oops!..sorry sorry let's talk about this questions.

I like someone/somethig.=わたしは someone/somethingが すきです。

I dislike someone/something.=わたしは someone/somethingが きらいです。

If u learn by heart this u can use easily. But I think u wanna know the reason. So I'll explain why we use like that. It's a little bit difficult ...try to follow me.

(わたしは)宇多田ヒカルがすき。=I like Utada hikaru

If u say 宇多田ヒカルはすき。=Utada hikaru likes.../ (I like only Utada hikaru.) 

Can u get what is different between them? Subject is different. First one's subject is わたし. However how about next one? 宇多田ヒカル became as subject. 

And in Japanese we never repeat は or が in a same sentence. u can use both in a sentence bit don't use more than twice.

That's why "わたしが宇多田ヒカルがすき" this is impossible.

-------from here I'll write for advance, cuz this is very difficult.--------

Subject  は Objectが Adjective です。

This is new grammar. I'll definitely teach this after, but now I'll teach u.
This grammar's form is same as わたしは someone/somethingが すきです。

今日は 夕日が きれいです。=Today's sunset is beautiful.

昨日は 天気が 良かったです。=Yesterday was good weather.

彼は 脚(ashi)が 長い です。=He has long legs.

もみじは 秋が 見頃(migoro)です。=Momiji's good season is in autumn.

....Is it enough?loool I can't find when can I finishXD
Maybe I can response to ur question and extra. I hope good for ur skill up.

If u have some questions u can ask me. I'll teach on here^^

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Basic verbs 2 -for advanced-

Today's lesson is about Basic verbs 2! it's too hard to make this~; So after this post I'll have a restXD

First I planned to teach only present form ,but after we'll learn "+て" form. today plz watch only present form and meaning!lol

〈present or future sentence〉 Subject + Verb(u→i) + ます

〈past sentence〉 Subject + Verb(u→i) + ました

This rule is different from last one and a little bit more difficult. I'll give a few example for this one.

I run.=私は はしり ました。 ←look underline(verb)

What is the original form of "はしり"? Can u find it or remember? "はしる" is correct.
Then let's write both of them by roman letter!! I think it's the easiest way to get this rule> <

"hashiru" and "hashiri" attention last vowel(red letter)!! ui ...yes!!! those verbs have same rules!
u wanna see more right?

My brother will buy a car.=私の兄は車を 買 ます。(kau→kai)

I put on the pic.=私は絵 を 貼 ました。(haru→hari)

The baby stood up.=赤ちゃん は 立ました。(tatsu→tachi)

Next!today also I teach very useful grammar.

Subject + something に + Verb

something に = on something/ to somewhere /to someone

I got on the bus.=私は バスに 乗りました。

I entered to staff room.=私は 職員室に 入りました。

I said to my friend.=私は 友達に 言いました。

eh? It' s easy? That's great!! ur clever~what a good student~<3
May be U can guess what am I sayingXD yes! H.W!!!!

1. I thought.

2. I'll wash my hands.

3. My mother got mad to me.

4. He sold his comics.

U can answer by comment I'll definitely reply. try to use in ur life~!!!

[next lesson is about Basic verbs 3]

Basic verbs 2 -for intermidiate-

Today's lesson is about Basic verbs 2! it's too hard to make this~; So after this post I'll have a restXD

First I planned to teach only present form ,but after we'll learn "+て" form. today plz watch only present form and meaning!lol

〈present or future sentence〉 Subject + Verb(u→i) + ます

〈past sentence〉 Subject + Verb(u→i) + ました

This rule is different from last one and a little bit more difficult. I'll give a few example for this one.

I run.=わたし は はしり ました。 ←look underline(verb)

What is the original form of "はしり"? Can u find it or remember? "はしる" is correct.
Then let's write both of them by roman letter!! I think it's the easiest way to get this rule> <

"hashiru" and "hashiri" attention last vowel(red letter)!! ui ...yes!!! those verbs have same rules!
u wanna see more right?

My brother will buy a car.=私の兄は 車を か ます。(kau→kai)

I put on the pic.=私は え を は ました。(haru→hari)

The baby stood up.=赤ちゃんは たました。(tatsu→tachi)

Next!today also I teach very useful grammar.

Subject + something に + Verb

something に = on something/ to somewhere /to someone

I got on the bus.=私は バスに のり ました。

I entered to staff room.=私は しょくいんしつに 入り ました。

I said to my friend.=私は ともだち いい ました。

eh? It' s easy? That's great!! ur clever~what a good student~<3
May be U can guess what am I sayingXD yes! H.W!!!!

1. I thought.

2. I'll wash my hands.

3. My mother got mad to me.

4. He sold his comics.

U can answer by comment I'll definitely reply. try to use in ur life~!!!

[next lesson is about Basic verb 3]

Basic verbs 2 -for beginner-

Today's lesson is about Basic verbs 2! it's too hard to make this~; So after this post I'll have a restXD

First I planned to teach only present form ,but after we'll learn "+て" form. today plz watch only present form and meaning!lol

〈present or future sentence〉 Subject + Verb(u→i) + ます

〈past sentence〉 Subject + Verb(u→i) + ました

This rule is different from last one and a little bit more difficult. I'll give a few example for this one.

I run.=わたし は はしり ました。 ←look underline(verb)

What is the original form of "はしり"? Can u find it or remember? "はしる" is correct.
Then let's write both of them by roman letter!! I think it's the easiest way to get this rule> <

"hashiru" and "hashiri" attention last vowel(red letter)!! ui ...yes!!! those verbs have same rules!
u wanna see more right?

My brother will buy a car.=わたしの あに は くるま を か ます。(kau→kai)

I put on the pic.=わたし は え を は ました。(haru→hari)

The baby stood up.=あかちゃん は たました。(tatsu→tachi)

Next!today also I teach very useful grammar.

Subject  +  something に +  Verb

something に = on something/ to somewhere /to someone

I got on the bus.=わたし は バスに のり ました。

I entered to staff room.=わたし は しょくいんしつに はいり ました。

I said to my friend.=わたし は ともだち いい ました。

eh? It' s easy? That's great!! ur clever~what a good student~<3
May be U can guess what am I sayingXD yes! H.W!!!!

1. I thought.

2. I'll wash my hands.

3. My mother got mad to me.

4. He sold his comics.

U can answer by comment I'll definitely reply. try to use in ur life~!!!

[next lesson is about Basic verb 3]

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Basic verbs 1 -for advanced-

Today's lesson is about Basic verbs! it's too hard for me to make this~; Finally I could make thiiiiis!!

First I planned to teach only present form ,but after we'll learn "+て" form. so I made allXD today plz watch only present form and mearning!lol


〈present or future sentence〉 Subject + Verb(but る) + ます

〈past sentence〉 Subject + Verb(but る) + ました

This rule can use only for るverb! next time I'll teach different type verbs.
So today u should learn those verbs and this rule by heartXD fight on~!

I'll sleep.=私は寝ます。

I thought.=私は考えました。


Then next!This grammar is the most important in Japanese I think!! The position of Object and Verb is opposite from English! so be careful. This rule can use all verbs! U must memorize.

Subject +  は +  Object を + Verb

I eat breakfast.=私は朝ごはんを食べます。

I turned on the light.=私は電気を点けます。

I'll take a shower.=私はシャワーを浴びます。

I stopped the taxi.=私はタクシーを止めた。

I know what do u want ! Do u wanna H.W don't u!?lol oh my my my..of course I'll give u!
Now u r very happy right? cuz u got great H.W!!!....silent..

1. I saw Japanese.

2. I turned on TV. *TV=テレビ

3. I open the window. *window=窓

4. I closed the curtain of my room. *curtain=カーテン

U can answer by comment, I'll definitely reply.
I think 4th sentences very difficult! try try> <!!! Try to use Japanese in ur life!


[next lesson is Basic verbs 2]

Basic verbs 1 -for intermidiate-

Today's lesson is about Basic verbs! it's too hard for me to make this~; Finally I could make thiiiiis!!
First I planned to teach only present form ,but after we'll learn "+て" form. so I made allXD today plz watch only present form and mearning!lol

〈present or future sentence〉 Subject + Verb(but る) + ます
〈past sentence〉 Subject + Verb(but る) + ました

This rule can use only for るverb! next time I'll teach different type verbs.
So today u should learn those verbs and this rule by heartXD fight on~!

I'll sleep.=わたし は ねます。

I thought.=わたし は かんがえました。

Then next!This grammar is the most important in Japanese I think!! The position of Object and Verb is opposite from English! so be careful. This rule can use all verbs! U must memorize.

Subject +  は +  Object を + Verb

I eat breakfast.=私 は あさごはん を たべます。

I turned on the light.=私 は でんき を つけます。

I'll take a shower.=私 は シャワー を あびます。

I stopped the taxi.=私 は タクシー を 止めた。

I know what do u want ! Do u wanna H.W don't u!?lol oh my my my..of course I'll give u!
Now u r very happy right? cuz u got great H.W!!!....silent..

1. I saw Japanese.

2. I turned on TV. *TV=テレビ

3. I open the window. *window=まど

4. I closed the curtain of my room. *curtain=カーテン


U can answer by comment, I'll definitely reply.
I think 4th sentences very difficult! try try> <!!! Try to use Japanese in ur life!

[next lesson is Basic verbs 2]

Basic verbs 1 -for beginner-

Today's lesson is about Basic verbs!
 it's too hard for me to make this~; Finally I could make thiiiiis!!
First I planned  to teach only present form ,but after we'll learn "+て" form. so I made allXD today plz watch only present form and meaning!lol

〈present or future sentence〉 Subject  +   Verb(but る)  +  ます 

〈past sentence〉 Subject  +  Verb(but る)  +  ました

This rule can use only for るverb! next time I'll teach different type verbs.
So today u should learn those verbs and this rule by heartXD fight on~!

I'll sleep.=わたし は ねます。

I thought.=わたし は かんがえました。

Then next!This grammar is the most important in Japanese I think!! The position of Object and Verb is opposite from English! so be careful. This rule can use all verbs! U must memorize.

Subject  +  は +  Object を +  Verb

I eat breakfast.=わたし は あさごはん を たべます。

I turned on the light.=わたし は でんき を つけます。

I'll take a shower.=わたし は シャワー を あびます。

I stopped the taxi.=わたし は タクシー を とめた。

I know what do u want ! Do u wanna H.W don't u!?lol  oh my my my..of course I'll give u!
Now u r very happy right? cuz u got great H.W!!!....silent..

1. I saw Japanese.

2. I turned on TV. *TV=テレビ

3. I open the window.  *window=まど

 U can answer by comment, I'll definitely reply. try to use this grammar in ur life!

[next lesson is Basic verbs 2]

Possessive case -for advanced-

Today's lesson is Possessive case! And I'll teach "of" too, cuz in japanese both of them have same rule.
Possesive  someting/someone =personal pronounの something/someone 
I wrote rule about prossesive case. But I think ur a littele bit confused!! right!? cuz me too!lol
so I'll give a few examples, compare two sentences. Both underline r same meaning.
This is my mother.= 私のお母さんです。
Is this your father?=あなたのお父さんですか?
This is his pencil. =これは彼のペンです。
That is her dog. =あれは彼女の犬です。
Tokyo is capitalcity of Japan. =東京は日本の首都です。
This house is Mr.Tanaka's house. =この家は田中さんの家です。
Whose car is that? =あれは誰の車ですか?
How is today's lesson? This also very important Do u wanna H.W!? ok, I'll give u!XD
u can write answer by comment. I'll definitely reply. try to do H.W and using Japanese in ur life
1.This is my brother.
2.That is my house.   
3.She is his mother. 
4.The purse is mine. *purse=財布(さいふ)
5.Kyoto is the city of Japan.  *city=都市(とし)
[next lesson is Basic verbs]

Possessive case -for intermidiate-

Today's lesson is Possessive case! And I'll teach "of" too, cuz in Japanese both of them have same rule.
Possessive  someting/someone =personal pronounの something/someone 

I wrote rule about possessive case. But I think ur a little bit confused!! right!? cuz me too!lol
so I'll give a few examples, compare two sentences. Both underline r same meaning.
This is my mother.= 私のお母さんです。
Is this your father?=あなたのお父さんですか?
This is his pencil. =これはかれのペンです。
That is her dog. =あれはかのじょの犬です。
Tokyo is capital city of Japan. =東京は日本のしゅとです。
This house is Mr.Tanaka's house. =このいえは たなかさんの いえ です。
Whose car is that? =あれは だれの くるま ですか?
How is today's lesson? This also very important Do u wanna H.W!? ok, I'll give u!XD
u can write answer by comment. I'll definitely reply. try to do H.W and using Japanese in ur life
1.This is my brother.
2.That is my house.   
3.She is his mother. 
4.The purse is mine.  *purse=さいふ
5.Kyoto is the city of Japan.
[next lesson is Basic verbs]

Possessive case -for beginner-

Today's lesson is Possessive case! And I'll teach "of" too, cuz in Japanese both of them have same rule.
Possessive  someting/someone =personal pronounの   something/someone 
I wrote rule about possessive case. But I think ur a little bit confused!! right!? cuz me too!lol
so I'll give a few examples, compare two sentences. Both underline r same meaning.
This is my mother.= わたしの おかあさん です。
Is this your father?=あなたの おとうさん ですか?
This is his pencil. =これは かれの ペン です。
That is her dog. =あれは かのじょの いぬ です。
Tokyo is capital city of Japan. =とうきょう は にほんの しゅと です。
This house is Mr.Tanaka's house. =この いえ は たなかさんの いえ です。
Whose car is that? =あれ は だれの くるま ですか?
How is today's lesson? This also very important Do u wanna H.W!? ok, I'll give u!XD
u can write answer by comment. I'll definitely reply. try to do H.W and using Japanese in ur life
1.This is my brother.
2.That is my house.   
3.She is his mother. 
4.The purse is mine.
[next lesson is Basic verbs]

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Make sentences -for advanced-

I said I wanna teach slangs and some informal sentences. But I think learning from formal sentences is better for ur skill up.

So today I'll teach formal sentences, ok?

It's the basic of Japanese sentence. after subject はorが definitely come. U should be careful ,we usually pronounce "ha" for は. How ever in case of after subject we pronounce "wa". Don't make mistake~XD


Subject  or Object/Adjective です

Subject or Verb ます

Subject  Object/Adjective ですか

Subject Verb ますか

What different between は and が? um...usually after わたし we put は. When subject is something usually we put が. omg I found some exceptions, so I tried to find new rules!!

My brother is in the room=弟  部屋 に います。

(informal)I'll do that=私  やるよ。

*in case of this sentences Subject is more important information than Verb. S>V


Today is cold.=今日  寒い です。

I'm 26years old.=私  26歳 です。

I'm a teacher.=私  先生 です。

This is a cat.=これ  猫 です。

That is a cat.=あれ  ねこ です。

*in case of this sentences Verb is more important information than Subject. S<V

waaaaaaaaaaao!!! I'm genius right!?XD

Today's lesson is very important, so I'll give H.W.... I hate H.W←what?
U should try to translate thisone~If u write answer on the comment I'll check and reply.
and if u don't have Japanese letter u can write roman letter. When u can't get some words, u should review.

1, I'm 21 years old.

2, Today is cold.

3, That is a dog.

4, This is a school.

[next lesson is about possessive case]

Make sentences -for intermidiate-

I said I wanna teach slangs and some informal sentences. But I think learning from formal sentences is better for ur skill up.
So today I'll teach formal sentences, ok?

It's the basic of Japanese sentence. after subject はorが definitely come. U should be careful ,we usually pronounce "ha" for は. How ever in case of after subject we pronounce "wa". Don't make mistake~XD


Subject  or Object/Adjective です

Subject or Verb ます

Subject  Object/Adjective ですか

Subject Verb ますか

What different between は and が? um...usually after わたし we put は. When subject is something usually we put が. omg I found some exceptions, so I tried to find new rules!!

My brother is in the room=おとうと  へやに います。

(informal)I'll do that=私  やるよ。

*in case of this sentences Subject is more important information than Verb. S>V


Today is cold.=今日  さむい です。

I'm 26years old.=私  26さい です。

I'm a teacher.=私  先生 です。

This is a cat.=これ  ねこ です。

That is a cat.=あれ  ねこ です。

*in case of this sentences Verb is more important information than Subject. S<V

waaaaaaaaaaao!!! I'm genius right!?XD

Today's lesson is very important, so I'll give H.W.... I hate H.W←what?
U should try to translate thisone~If u write answer on the comment I'll check and reply.
and if u don't have Japanese letter u can write roman letter. when u can't get meaning of words u should review all lessons.

1, I'm 21 years old.

2, Today is cold.

3, That is a dog.

4, This is a school.

[next lesson is about possessive case]

Make sentences -for beginner-

I said I wanna teach slangs and some informal sentences. But I think learning from formal sentences is better for ur skill up.

So today I'll teach formal sentences, ok?

It's the basic of Japanese sentence. after subject はorが definitely come. U should be careful ,we usually pronounce "ha" for は. How ever in case of after subject we pronounce "wa". Don't make mistake~XD


Subject  or Object/Adjective です

Subject or Verb ます

Subject  Object/Adjective ですか

Subject Verb ますか

What different between は and が? um...usually after わたし we put は. When subject is something usually we put が. omg I found some exceptions, so I tried to find new rules!!

My brother is in the room=おとうと  へやに います。

(informal)I'll do that=わたし  やるよ。

 *in case of this sentences Subject is more important information than Verb. S>V


Today is cold.=きょう  さむい です。

I'm 26years old.=わたし  26さい です。

I'm a teacher.=わたし  せんせい です。

This is a cat.=これ  ねこ です。

That is a cat.=あれ  ねこ です。

 *in case of this sentences Verb is more important information than Subject. S<V

 waaaaaaaaaaao!!! I'm genius right!?XD

Today's lesson is very important, so I'll give H.W.... I hate H.W←what?
U should try to translate thisone~If u write answer on the comment I'll check and reply.
and if u don't have Japanese letter u can write roman letter. All vocab from this blog. U can find somewhere.

1, I'm 21 years old.

2, Today is cold.

3, That is a dog.

4, This is a school.

 [next lesson is about possessive case]

Friday, January 6, 2012

basic nouns -for advanced-

It's for advanced, so I used Kanji. I wrote reading for Kanji right side, u can check easily. In Japan we  should learn this letter from 7years old to 18years old. We start to learn from easy till very difficult. But on my blog I'll teach only useful letter for daily. So if I think "it's too difficult and not important" I won't use. Using Kanji is the best way to improve I think. That's why if u watch some Japanese somewhere (for example anime, manga ,the words) u should better to search on here→

おじいさん=old man/grandpa
おばあさん=old lady/grandma
妹(いもうと)=younger sister
彼氏(かれし)=boy friend
彼女(かのじょ)=girl friend
ケータイ=mobile phone
かみがた=hair style
信号(しんごう)=traffic lights
おかし=snack or sweets

I can't hit on anymoreXD But I added around10words than for beginner level. plz memorize~

[next lesson is Make sentences]

basic nouns -for intermidiate-

Today's lesson is basic nouns! If u wanna speak Japanese u should memorize.
おじいさん=old man/grandpa
おばあさん=old lady/grandma
かれし=boy friend
かのじょ=girl friend
かみがた=hair style
おかし=snack or sweets

I can't hit on anymoreXD But I added 5words than for beginner level. plz memorize~

[next lesson is Make sentences]

basic nouns -for beginner-

Today's lesson is about some basic nouns! I wrote reading for each nouns. But I said before plz memorize Hiragana didn't I? So from next time I won't write roman type, cuz it's not good for improving. then let's learn 
おじいさん(ojiisan)=old man/grandpa
おばあさん(obaasan)=old lady/grandma
かれし(kareshi)=boy friend
かのじょ(kanojyo)=girl friend
かみがた(kamigata)=hair style

I can't hit on anymoreXD

[next lesson is Make sentences]

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Japanese new year celebration!

A happy new year あけましておめでとー!!!

Today's lesson is about Japanese culture-! I think Japanese culture is very interesting ,so now I'm planning to  talk about Japanese culture on here. I wanna tell u about traditional culture, modern culture and some funny thingsXD

When a year change to next year what do u do in ur home country? In Japan we have many traditional custom in new year's eve to new year's day. I'll teach general. First on the eve we eat Toshikoshi soba for wishing longlife and health. these are often eaten right before midnight.

 After a new year begin we eat Osechi.  Osechi are easily recognizable by their special boxes called jūbako. Osechi has lots of dishes cuz each dishe has different mearning. For example  Kuro-mame , (blacksoybearns) symbolizing a wish for health in the New Year. Kamaboko (broiled fish cake) has red and white colors. The color and shape are reminiscent of Japan rising sun, and have a celebratory, festive meaning. If u wanna know more, u can c  here→

With this we eat Ozōni. Each family has different taste of it. In Tokyo generalos a soup of Mochi in clear broth. My family's too XP

After celebration we go to Jinjya(shrine) to pray for something. Most Japanese like to do fortune lottery of shrine. Last I got great blessing hahaha! but this year I didn't try yet,I hope sameone again!! oops..I forgot to tell this. If u got great curse or some worse lottery don't worry~tie the bad lottery to tree or rope of shrine ur luck should be better XD amazing! If u wanna know more→

Japanese traditional custom of a new year is that's all. I ate Osechi so much, so I overweighted!! oh~my~~~..I should loseweight.

Japanese greetings - for advanced -

Today's lesson is Japanese greeting!

U know the respect is very important for Japanese. Greeting is one of them. I think most Japanese language school teaches only formal sentence ,but sometimes I'll teach casual sentence and some slangs.


おはようございます/おはよう - good morning

こんにちは - good afternoon

こんばんは - good evening

いってきます - I'm leaving

おかえりなさい/おかえり - welcome back

ありがとうございます/ありがとう - thank u

どういたしまして - u r welcome

はじめまして - nice to meet u

おつかれさま(ごくろうさま)/おつかれさん(ごくろうさん) - nice job

おやすみなさい/おやすみ - good night

初めまして - nice to meet u

お誕生日おめでとう - happy birthday

おめでとう - congraturations

あけましておめでとうございます/あけましておめでとう(あけおめ) - happy new year

[someone invite u over]

おじゃまします - *when u enter to

おじゃましました - *when leaving from house

[u eat something]

いただきます - thanx for making

ごちそうさまでした - all dishes tastes good! thank u

[to response] 

はい/うん - yes

いいえ/ううん - no

わかった/了解です - got it

なるほど - I see~

Very simple! may be u can use from nowXD try to use and memorize. I added 6words than for biginner level and I used Kanji. If u have some question ask me^ ^

[next lesson is basic vocab and about Subject]

Japanese greetings - for intermidiate

Today's lesson is Japanese greeting!

U know the respect is very important for Japanese. Greeting is one of them. I think most Japanese language school teaches only formal sentence ,but sometimes I'll teach casual sentence and some slangs.


おはようございます/おはよう - good morning

こんにちは - good afternoon

こんばんは - good evening

いってきます - I'm leaving

おかえりなさい/おかえり - welcome back

ありがとうございます/ありがとう - thank u

どういたしまして - u r welcome

はじめまして - nice to meet u

おつかれさま(ごくろうさま)/おつかれさん(ごくろうさん) - nice job

おやすみなさい/おやすみ - good night

[someone invite u over]

おじゃまします - *when u enter to

おじゃましました - *when leaving from house

[u eat something]

いただきます - thanx for making

ごちそうさまでした - all dishes tastes good! thank u

[to response] 

はい/うん - yes

いいえ/ううん - no

Very simple! may be u can use from nowXD try to use and memorize. I added 2words than for biginner level. If u have some question aske me^ ^

[next lesson is basic vocab and about Subject]

Japanese greetings -for beginner-

Today's lesson is Japanese greeting!

U know the respect is very important for Japanese. Greeting is one of them. I think most Japanese language school teaches only formal sentence ,but sometimes I'll teach casual sentence and some slangs.


おはようございます/おはよう - good morning
(ohayougozaimasu / ohayou)

こんにちは - good afternoon

こんばんは - good evening

いってきます - I'm leaving

おかえりなさい/おかえり - welcome back
(okaerinasai / okaeri)

ありがとうございます/ありがとう - thank u
(arigatougozaimasu / arigatou)

どういたしまして - u r welcome

はじめまして - nice to meet u

[someone invite u over]

おじゃまします - *when u enter to

おじゃましました - *when leaving from house

[u eat something]

いただきます - thanx for making

ごちそうさまでした - all dishes tastes good! thank u

[to response] 

はい/うん - yes
(hai / un)

いいえ/ううん - no
(iie / uun)

Very simple! may be u can use from nowXD try to use and memorize. If u have some question aske me^ ^

[next lesson is basic vocab and about Subject]


A happy new year! I hope everyone has great time in this year also^^
From today If I have time I'll try to teach Japanese. I think I'm a strict teacher XD

But I'll do my best to teach u, plz follow me. I don't know ur Japanese level ,so I'll separate biginner level, intermidiate level and advanced level. If u can read Hiragana ur level is intermidiate. If u have ever learned Japanese or u wanna learn Kanji u r advanced level. without them start from beginner level.

U know Japanese has three type letters Hiragana ,Kanji and Katakana.

Hiragana is original letter of Japanese. Kanji was came from China ,but most Kanji has Japanese original pronunciation. Katana uses for some foreign words.

So let's bigin. plz make a notebook for learning Japanese. When u get something u should write down in ur notebook.

I want u to memorize all Hiragana on this page→ First read aloud and memorize shape and pronunciation. after that practice to write Hiragana. If u want u can memorize Katakana too.XP

From next lesson I'll use Hiragana so if u don't memorize u can't follow me
Do ur best! hahaha!!

[next lesson is Japanese Greetings]

*If u have some question u can ask me^^ plz erite comment. I'll reply.